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- Kim Swan, Editor


More Delays, Frustration Over Wilton Drive Development

By John Hayden

Wilton Drive. Photo by Carina Mask.

There have been lots of starts and stops in the quest to bring new development to Wilton Manors. The highest profile and controversial project remains in “stop” mode.

There was essentially one thing on the agenda for the city’s planning and zoning board’s meeting on June 12: discussion of redevelopment of Shoppes of Wilton Manors (aka Alibi Plaza). Shortly before the meeting, developers asked for another delay.

Sources at the meeting told OutSFL that developers are still working on parking issues, and want to have a workable agreement before they come to the board for variances. The question is: when is that going to happen? The board adjourned without assigning it to a future agenda.

Setting it for their regular July meeting is problematic because multiple board members have vacation plans or other conflicts, making it possible a quorum may not be achieved. That issue aside, they want as many members to be present for such an impactful discussion. Kicking it to August felt like too long a delay.

They could still add it to the July or August agenda, or call a special meeting.

Read the full article on Out South Florida.


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Wilton Manors Recognizes Pride

Recognizing struggles and celebrating success. Wilton Manors has officially recognized Pride Month.


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OUTSFL | 2520 N. Dixie Highway